Qandeel's artistic style is characterized by a seamless blend of traditional Saudi Arabian motifs and a contemporary visual language. His use of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and a keen attention to detail showcase a mastery of both classical and modern artistic techniques. Qandeel often employs a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, and mixed media, to convey his nuanced perspectives. Through his art, he navigates the intersections of tradition and progress, creating visually striking pieces that serve as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry of Saudi Arabia.


A recurring theme in Qandeel's work is the exploration of identity in the face of rapid societal changes. He grapples with questions of tradition versus modernity, exploring how individuals and communities navigate these dualities. Moreover, his art has often served as a commentary on the shifting roles of women in Saudi Arabian society, challenging stereotypes and pushing for a more inclusive narrative. Qandeel's pieces also engage with broader global issues, offering a lens through which viewers can reflect on universal themes of human experience while rooted in the specificity of Middle Eastern and Saudi Arabian culture and context.